Acta Agriculturae Serbica
Vol. X, No 20, 3-81, 2005.
Correlations and "Path" Coefficient Analysis for Yield and Yield Components in Winter Barley
Pages, 3-9
Milomirka Madic, A. Paunovic, D. Djurovic, D. Knezevic
The Effect of Different Kinds of Fertilizers on the Number of Azotobacters in the Smonitza Type of Soil Under Maize and the Yield of Maize
Pages, 11-22
L. Mandic, D. Djukic, V. Stevovic
Neutralising Acid Soils for the Indespensable Microelements Mobility
Pages, 23-28
Ljiljana Boskovic-Rakocevic, N. Bokan
Effects of Fertilization on Chloroplasts Pigments Content, Leaf Surface and Dry Matter Weight in Some Wheat Cultivars
Pages, 29-37
Biljana Bojovic, Jovanka Stojanovic, A. Markovic
The Number of Actinomycetes and Soil Fungi in Mineral and Organic Fertilisation Conditions
Pages, 39-46
Marijana Pesakovic, L. Mandic, D. Djukic
The Influence of Planting Date on Growth Rate of Brussels Sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera) in Agro-Ecological Conditions of the Zeta Plain
Pages, 47-57
Natasa Mirecki
Water Quality of Rural Water Supply Systems in the Municipality of Cacak
Pages, 59-72
G. Markovic, Lenka Ribic-Zelenovic, M. Spasojevic, R. Gavrilovic
Tendencies on the Tobacco and Tobacco Products Market
Pages, 73-81
Biljana Zornic, S. Petrovic, N. Novkovic